Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Islam is the name given to the religion preached by the Prophet Muhammad in the A.D. 600's. Islam is an Arabic word that means surrender or submission. God is called Allah. A person who submits to Allah and follows the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim.
Muslims believe that in about 610, Muhammad began to receive revelations from Allah (the God) that were transmitted by the angel Gabriel. These revelations were assembled in a book called the Quran which is the holy book of the Muslims. They believe it contains God's actual words. The Quran and the sunna, the example of the words and practices of Muhammad, make up the foundation of Islamic law.
Islam is the world's second largest religion behind Christianity. Over 1.1 billion people follow Islam. Muslims live in every country in the world, today. Although Islam began in Arabia, more than half of the world's Muslims live in South and Southeast Asia.

source: World Book Encyclopedia

Monday, October 22, 2007

History of Islam

The religion of Islam starts with the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad was born around 570 A.D. and eventually rejected polytheism.
This was the beginning of Muhammad's belief in Allah, and also the beginning of his revelations. Around 600 A.D. Muhammad began to have revelations about different beliefs and teachings. He then taught these lessons to his followers and they were recorded into the Qu'ran
After his death around 632 A.D., the issue of who the leader of Islam would be began to separate the people.

Shi'ite and Sunni

The people were separated into two main tribes; the Shi'ite and the Sunni. The Sunni believe that the leaders of Islam would be elected into power. However, the Shi'ite wanted to follow Muhammad's bloodline in determining the next leaders of Islam. While Sunni's are the most common type of muslim; countries such as Iran are still dominated by the Shi'ite.
The Sunni's also are considered to be the followers of the prophet's ways, while the Shi'ite interpret the religion in a drastically different way.

Source: http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/cultural/religion/islam/history.html


Islam Teachings

Muslims believe that God is perfect, all-knowing and the ruler of all things. They focus on the oneness of God and believe that obedience to Him, and Him only, should be the most important thing in their life.

They follow the teachings in the Qu’ran which contains revelations sent by God to gude humans.

Muslims also believe that everyone is born without sin and that with God’s help, everyone can find salvation. To achieve salvation you must follow the revealed books of the prophets found in the Qu’ran.

The Five Pillars of Islam
Every action carried out to obey God is thought to be an act of worship in the Islam faith. Muslims are taught to respect their elders, be nice to all humans and animals, and to put their best effort into everything they do, even small daily tasks. The official acts of worship are known as the Five Pillars of Islam and serve as guidelines for Muslim’s daily life. They include Shahada (faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (donation obligation) , Saum (fasting) and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
Major Holidays
There are two unique holidays that Muslims celebrate. The first one is called `Id al-Fitr (the Feast of Fast-Breaking) and the second is `Id al-Ad-ha (the Feast of the Sacrifice). `Id al-Fitr happens on the day after Ramadan and celebrates the end of the month long fast. Families get together and have a huge feast and kids are given lots of candy and sweets. `Id al-Ad-ha happens on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijja, the month of the hajj. During this celebration, Muslims choose and animal to sacrifice. They eat a small fraction of the animal and then give the rest of it to the less fortunate.
In some countries, Muslims also celebrate Muhammad’s birthday on the 12th day of the third Islamic month. They spend the day praying, reading the Qu’ran and other poems and stories that have been written in Muhammad’s honor.

Posted by Caitlin M

Monday, October 15, 2007

Five Basic Muslim Beliefs

Muslims have five main beliefs. All are equal in importance. The are the belief in:

1. God- the creator and ruler of all things. He possess perfect qualities.
2. Angels- unseen beings whose job it is to worship and obey God by inspiring each person to do good with their lives.
3. Books of God- holy scriptures given to humankind by God which give guidance on how men should live and behave.
4. Prophets and Messengers of God- people who God sent to teach others humans how to live in virtue and according to Him.
5. Life After Death/The Day of Judgment- Muslims believe that after they die there will be a Day of Judgment where each person will recognize all the good

Posted by Caitlin M



One of the most important Islamic institutions is the mosque. The first mosque mentioned in the Qu'ran was located in Muhammad's house in Medina, Saudi Arabia. It faced Mecca and had a roof above the area where the prayers were recited. The general design of hte mosque has remained relatively similar ever since.
Today mosques serve as the main place of worship for Muslims and are also an important place for people to gather for social and political events. Many mosques serve as schools and assembly halls, and others are connected to other cheif institutions such as hospitals and libraries.

Posted by Caitlin Mitchell



The Qu'ran is the Holy Book of Islam that contains revelations sent by God to the prophet Muhammad over a span of about 20 yeras. Muslims believe that Muhammad's followers recorded the revelations but that all the words come from God himself. Much of the Qu'ran is written in Arabic poetry because Muslims believe that its rich, powerful language can only come from God, and verifies that Muhammad was truly a profit.
The most important concept in the Qu'ran is the idea that there is only one God called Allah, the creator of the world. The Koran tells stories about the lives of many different profits whom Allah sent to encourage people to worship and follow his commmandments. The Qu'ran also contains many rules and regulations to guide Muslims, like daily prayers and emphasizing community and helping out the less fortunate.

Posted by Caitlin M


The Koran, also known as Quran, is the sacred book of the Muslims. Quran translates to recitation or something to be recited, usually in worship. Muslims believe the angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad a little at a time beginning about A.D. 610 and ended when Muhammad died in 632. The main teaching of the Quran is that there is only one God. In Arabic, the word for God is Allah. Allah is the creator of the universe and requires Islam to Himself. The Quran was sent from Allah as a guide for humanity. The Quran teaches that you should be humble, brave, temperate, and just. It also speaks of a day of judgment when people stand before God to account for their lives. It requires daily prayers, teaches to regulate Muslim daily life and stresses charity and brotherly love among Muslims. The Quran has been taught orally and is memorized, at least in part by almost all Muslims. It has even been made into an audio cassette recording, allowing illiterate Muslims to learn and know about it. It consists of verses grouped into 114 chapters varying in length from a few lines to over 200 verses.

source: World Book Encyclopedia