Sunday, October 14, 2007

Five Pillars of Islam

The religion of Islam follows five basic principles, or pillars. These five pillars are :

  • Shahada (faith)
  • Salat (prayer)

  • Zakat (donation obligation)

  • Saum (fasting)

  • Hajj (Pilgrimage)


The first pillar of Islam is Shahadah, or faith. This encompasses the basic belief of muslims that there is only one god and Muhammad is his prophet. Shahadah is the first rule that all Muslims must follow.


Salat translates into prayer and requires that all Muslims must try to pray five times a day. The prayers take place at dawn, mid-day, late-afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. While praying, one must face Mecca, which is to the northeast (even though on a map it is Southeast. The direction is based upon the flight path) Prayers used to be done in mosques mainly, but today most people are unable to get to a mosque five times a day; therefore, prayers can be done in any clean area.


Zakat is the obligation that Muslims must donate to the needy if they are capable of doing so. This pillar is surrounded by the belief that everything belongs to god and therefore we should not hold our money to ourselves. Instead we should share God's gift to those in need of it. Zakat is meant to be a certain percentage of an individuals income. It is a pillar of Islam because it creates equality among the people and ensures that all Muslims attempt to help each other.


Saum is the obligation of a Muslim to fast during the month of Ramadan. Fasting means that an individual cannot eat or drink while the sun is up. However, many people are unable to fast due to health problems or many other complications that forces them to eat or drink. Therefore, an individual can make up any days he/she missed before the beginning of the next Ramadan. However, if one is never able to make up these days due to health reasons, they are able to donate money in order to compensate for their missed fast.
Saum teaches self restraint and purifies an individual as they are also not allowed to partake in sexual activity while fasting. Fasting teaches people to appreciate what they have in life, such as food on a daily basis, and it also brings them closer to God.


Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca that a Muslim must make atleast once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able to do so. Hajj begins in the twelfth month of the lunar Islamic calendar.
Muslims are supposed to wear very simple clothes that forces them to blend in with all the other Muslims, eliminating class distinctions. Hajj requires each person to go around the Ka'bah seven times, and then walk from the hills of Safa to the Marwa seven times, and finally join together and pray on the plains of Arafat.


1 comment:

alexh said...

I always knew there was somthing called the Five Pillars but i never knew what they were about and to what extent. The part that interests me the most is the pilgrimage, hajj, made by each member at least once in their life. Very interesting blog. Very Nice!